ValueCamp USM 14-12-2021

Minutes ValueCamp USM 14-12-2021

ValueCamp USM.
Sessie 14 Dec 2021

Aanwezig: Marcel, Huib, Bart, Stade, Schulpen, Dennis.

During the 2nd session on User Story Mapping we dug a little deeper into the the user-stories at hand in the ValueCamps. A conclusion to the session can be that although we see much value in creating these user stories we need to define a more precise persona (or set of personas) to have a clearer target of whom we are describing.

Another takeaway is that we should stay focussed on allowing it to be a brain-dump. Don’t constrain yourself too much on form. Form will flow from the input collected. The more you practise this way of thinking the easer form will also follow.

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ValueCamp Cloud progress

ValueCamp Cloud progress

In ValueCamp Cloud we have now made a significant step forward by creating an AWS lightsail account. It is a Shared Virtual Environment based on a VM ubuntu that is accessible in the cloud.We can create various environments in this environment for the various ValueCamps, with individual credentials for the different environments.

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