ValueCamp USM 18-01-2022
The last collective session of the USM valuecamp we explored all options we have in the current way we work, with 2 related questions in mind: How can we improve the way we work, and what is the most valuable next step we can make.
The user story map below was created in a collective brainstorm and helped us to align our individual ideas and enabled us to discover the next most valuable and practical step.
After discussing various options we decided to move forward with a simple and practical step that would enable us to learn to collaborate as a DevOps team that starts with the value question.
By creating an imaginary project (presumingly simple) we can work though the different phases of development to further our knowledge in USM / Value centred development.
We took the idea of Wetransfer as an example of a service that from the outside looks quite simple. The challenge on this kind of development is to keep things tightly focussed on the value delivered.
To make sure that you will not derail from this key focus it is important to define the core value the app is delivering. There are various ways to get to this core value. One of which is personas and user story mapping.
This is where we will start for this project we have given ourselves.
Next valueCamp for us will be about outlining the persona’s for this case and defining the hurdles of these personas.
From there we will prioritise the values that are top priority (how to add the most value in the least amount of time). We will divide our camp up into smaller exploration teams that will assess this problem and each team will present a potential solution. By combining our knowledge there we will create a best fit solution on paper which then needs to be explored and tested.