ValueCamp USM 14-12-2021

Minutes ValueCamp USM 14-12-2021

ValueCamp USM.
Sessie 14 Dec 2021

Aanwezig: Marcel, Huib, Bart, Stade, Schulpen, Dennis.

During the 2nd session on User Story Mapping we dug a little deeper into the the user-stories at hand in the ValueCamps. A conclusion to the session can be that although we see much value in creating these user stories we need to define a more precise persona (or set of personas) to have a clearer target of whom we are describing.

Another takeaway is that we should stay focussed on allowing it to be a brain-dump. Don’t constrain yourself too much on form. Form will flow from the input collected. The more you practise this way of thinking the easer form will also follow.

  1. Find Participants (for <ValueCamp USM>)
  2. Inventory of Topics (of interest)
  3. Select Most Valuable (next) Topic
  4. Define story (What Value should be created)
  5. Select Shared Workspace (Ex: VM/Ubuntu; Miro USM)
  6. Start Experiment (<USM> Map User Stories & Find the next most valuable MVP)
  7. Log Steps
  8. Demo Outcome
  9. Finished Product (Value Created for other ValueCamps to re-use)
  10. Feedback
  11. Stop / Repeat


Marcel will structurize input in Miro for further exploration next session.

Dennis will share Documents for next meeting and download link for app

Next meeting

Next meeting is a field trip where we explore persona mapping and defining user stories for an exciting app. (Djaminn). Dennis will share personas document and present the learnings from this way of working.